Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Vision.

Sometimes I find that I want to work out most when I can't. Why is that? I am currently playing a song by my long time love Moby that I have never listen to before called "Alone"(now that I think about it kind of ironic) but I can like see myself running on a road, alone, on a sunny day and I am thin! I hope and pray that someday I can make this vision come true.

I want to be thin, not just to BE thin, but to be healthy. To say that I actually accomplished something that I have been fighting with all my life. To be able to wear clothes that I dream of and lust after online and in the stores. To be able to be healthy and go on the hikes with my husband that he keeps bugging me to do. I just want to have energy so I can live a life I want to and not give in to lame excuses. I want to be free of this cage I have gotten so use to but hate. I have a vision, now let's see if come to life!

ok, i'm am done with my super cheesy post.

1 comment:

  1. The hiking thing can actually be helpful in getting the encouragement that you need from Jesse. He may be happy with how you look but he would be supportive in wanting you to be able to go on the hikes without having to pause and take breathers all the time. It could put things into perspective for him so that he can find a way to encourage you not in how your body looks but how in shape you are. I say go on the hikes, let him see you struggle, let him start to encourage, and hey, even struggling on a hike is a good workout!
